Projekt 365

55 from 365
24. Februar 2009, 11:34
Filed under: February | Schlagwörter: , , ,

What is close to photograph a carnival! Here’s my Mausi be seen as a policewoman!
I could not persuade them to go as something else!
There had to see the mom, the children also have the freedom of expression. *lol*
Well maybe I have more luck next year. Since then they celebrate Carnival as a schoolchild!

I still have a photo of her sport! You have in athletics and „still“ a lot of fun! I was also a pupil at the Athletics and was always there for the sprints. Yesterday I noted that my Mausi probably go in that direction! We are both not for the endurance!

2 Kommentare so far
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sie sieht zum fressen aus mit ihrer süssen zahnlücke und der uniform!

Kommentar von gabs

na das schaut ja klasse und nach viel Spaß aus!

Kommentar von Manuela/Flohbock

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